

April, 19, 2014 : review of Invisible Migrations, WSJ 

March 16-Aug. 18, 2014 : Invisible Migrations, Alice Austen House, NY, USA 

some work of the Human Negotiations project is featured in EYEMAZING/ The New Collectible Art Photography collection, Dec.2013 

Taking on the Tragic in Unconventional Portraits, WSJ.com, Nov. 2013 

"Life as a North Korean defector", Der Spiegel, Oct.2013  

"Portraits of the Faceless" , China-File , Aug. 2013 

UBC Law Award Prize for International Integrity , June 2013 

Moving Walls photographers featured in Foreign Policy 

MOVING WALLS 20 : May 8 to December 13, 2013 

TIME Lightbox, May 7,2013  

NY Times, LENS blog, May 6,2013 

DOKFOTO Oslo, Feb. 22-24.2013 

Introducing the 2013 Moving Walls Photographers 

North Face, " Go Wild" , Greater China Campaign, 2012  

Human Negotiations, Katharina Hesse & Lara Day :  

currently available at : 

Three Shadows Photography & Art Centre, China 

Cafe Lehmnitz, Europe, Germany  

view the book gallery here 

"Bangkoks Frauen der Nacht", Stern online 

Human Negotiations by Katharina Hesse and Lara Day, by Wayne Ford